Starting outside The Deck at Dead Man’s Corner, “Lean Six” explores the abstract nature of maritime codified behaviours and safety techniques for groups of people through sculpture and performance.

This sculptural choreography contains behavioural colour coded props and costumes that limit and define the dancers movements. The choreography is therefore used in a very precise way as a sculptural method to define the dancers repetitive gestures within behaviour structures.

The performance is a short duration of approximately 20 minutes. The viewer and location are the final elements to the work, therefore the procession will move throughout the wharf and the pier to maximise public visibility and engagement.

“Lean Six” draws inspiration from ongoing sculptural research into rhythmic gymnastics, management consulting techniques, codes on conduct, instruction manuals, the Olympics, movement restricting sports equipment, synchronised swimming, 1960s sculpture and Jacques Tati and the Dada.

Choreographed by Nina Kov.